I highly recommend 

Bunny Num Num 

Here are some links to the House Rabbit Society concerning what to feed rabbits http://www.rabbit.org/faq/sections/diet.html 

Unfortunately in Canada it is hard to find good rabbit food. I use Martin Original rabbit food they are tiny round pellets. The only other food I have found that matches the suggested requirements is Zupreem (sp) which is really expensive, I also believe it is high in sugar. 

How much money will a rabbit consume???

Here is a really good cost sheet put together by a couple. http://binkybunny.com/BUNNYINFO/CostofHavingaBunny/tabid/145/Default.aspxFor me hay doesn't cost as much a they suggest if you buy it from someone who has horses, as a huge bale costs no more then $5 
The cost of greens can be cut down in the summer by growing your own